The Moon and June

Sunday (5/14) is Mother’s Day in the US, and with deep love and devoted admiration for my mom who is now 88, I would like to share some paintings from her journal entitled ‘June’s Favorite Prose and Poems and Wit. Truth–Goodness–Beauty’, 1985.

Here is a poem she included in the journal, by one of her favorite poets (mine too)…

The days are clear
day after day
when April’s here
that leads to May,
and June
must follow soon.
Stay, June, Stay!
If we could stop
the moon and June.

Christina Rosseti (1830-1894)

And from the last page of her journal…

Once upon a time

I planned to be an artist

or celebrity.

A song I thought to write one day

and all the world with homage pay.

I longed to write a noble book,

but what I did–

was learn to cook.

For life with simple tasks is filled,

and I have done not what

I willed!

June M DiGiacomo

My mom at nineteen

©Artwork and writing, unless otherwise indicated, are the property of Diane M Denton. Please request permission to reproduce or post elsewhere with a link back to bardessdmdenton. Thank you.

June in March

My mom, June, is 85 today!

We are celebrating with another blessed day together and dinner of shrimp cocktails, homemade ricotta-gnocchi and carrot cake! Mom prefers to stay home, surrounded by views of our lingering winter and the ever-pleasurable antics and unconditional love of our five kitty-boys.

Many of you know that she is a talented artist, as I have shared her paintings here before.

And, so, that is how I celebrate her 85th birthday with those of you who have wandered this way.


Once upon a time

I planned to be an artist

or celebrity.

A song I thought to write one day

and all the world with homage pay.

I longed to write a noble book,

but what I did–

was learn to cook.

For life with simple tasks is filled,

and I have done not what

I willed!

Written by my mom, June, in her journal, 1985

Her poem speaks to the sacrifices I know she has made, but does not do justice to the fullness, intelligence, creativity and importance of her life.

You can discover a little more about my mom through two short stories I’ve written based on her childhood memories.  She is a wealth of fascinating memories, which I’m sure will continue to inspire me, especially as I know how much it means to her when they do.  The Snow White Gift and The Library Next Door are available in Kindle editions  Remember you don’t need a Kindle device to read them – there’s an app for that!

Click here for information about The Snow White Gift and The Library Next Door.

“It take a long time to become young” -Pablo Picasso

Happy Birthday, Mom!

You are certainly 85 years young!

The Moon and June

Sunday (5/13) is Mother’s Day in the US, and with deep love and devoted admiration for my mom who at 83 is as vibrant and beautiful as ever, I would like to share some paintings from her journal entitled ‘June’s Favorite Prose and Poems and Wit. Truth–Goodness–Beauty’, 1985.

Here is a poem she included in the journal, by one of her favorite poets (and mine too)…

The days are clear
day after day
when April’s here
that leads to May,
and June
must follow soon.
Stay, June, Stay!
If we could stop
the moon and June.

Christina Rosseti (1830-1894)

And from the last page of her journal…

Once upon a time

I planned to be an artist

or celebrity.

A song I thought to write one day

and all the world with homage pay.

I longed to write a noble book,

but what I did–

was learn to cook.

For life with simple tasks is filled,

and I have done not what

I willed!

June M DiGiacomo