Thank you, Rae, for your generous reflection on my novel! Please, everyone, have a wander over to Rae’s blog which includes her publication links (of her own excellent poetry), some of her favorite poems, and other interesting reflections.

Rae Spencer

A House Near Luccoli: A Novel of Musical Intimacy & Intrigue in 17th Century Genoa by DM Denton (All Things That Matter Press, 2012)

Every facet of this book is wrapped in beautiful language. The plot and setting, characters and pace, all live within layers of poetry:

“…Nonna blamed a tendency to malinconia on her granddaughter’s English side with too much rain in her blood. As if climate could be inherited…” (pg 20)

“She wanted to show ability beyond the ladylike diversion of scribbling thoughts or painting in a journal, obsessing over the responsibility for something greater than nothing better to do.” (pg 35)

“She hoped they would be early or late to avoid scrutiny, but they were on time for her to be judged as an unescorted woman passing through a hall made for giants…” (pg 71)

I know very little about classical music or opera, and even less…

View original post 124 more words

14 thoughts on “

  1. Bardess D,

    An excellent review…
    Have not yet ordered your book but will do so when I return home on Wednesday, the 24th.

    In the meantime, would love to put a ‘blurb’ on my blog about your book. I saw the excerpts…may one of them be used? Please
    let me know.


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