For Easter: Music by Stradella and Purcell, Words by Anne Brontë

“My music began. A mixture of harmonious voices, poetry & fine instrumentalists.”
Alessandro Stradella ~ A House Near Luccoli, a novel by DM Denton

Alessandro Stradella’s sacred cantata for solo alto and instruments Crocifissione e morte di nostro signore Gesu Cristo – the Crucifixion and death of our savior Jesus Christ. Performed by Baroque and Renaissance Choral


Purcell performed the music with his eyes & a delicate finger in the air.
~ To A Strange Somewhere Fled a novel by DM Denton (Sequel to A House Near Luccoli)

Henry Purcell’s Hear My Prayer · Sheffield Cathedral Choir · Neil Taylor · Peter Heginbotham
Crux Fidelis – Music for Passiontide and Easter


And as I have just completed my novel about Anne Brontë …

… here is Anne’s poem/hymn Believe Not Those Who Say, which was put to the tune Festal Song by William Henry Walter (unfortunately I couldn’t find a recording of Anne’s words put to the music. I did find an organ instrumental of Festal Song and it’s easy to “hear” how her words fit in.)

Believe not those who say
The upward path is smooth,
Lest thou should stumble in the way,
And faint before the truth.
To labor and to love,
To pardon and endure,
To lift thy heart to God above,
And keep thy conscience pure.
Be this thy constant aim,
Thy hope, thy chief delight,
What matter who should whisper blame
Or who should scorn or slight.


Anne wanted to make the music she loved compactly portable, even without access to a pianoforte, available for performances in her head, preferably so, for then her fingers were agile and her voice wasn’t weak.
~ Without the Veil Between, Anne Brontë: A Fine and Subtle Spirit © 2017

Artwork and writing, unless otherwise indicated, are the property of Diane M Denton. Please request permission to reproduce or post elsewhere with a link back to bardessdmdenton. Thank you.

4 thoughts on “For Easter: Music by Stradella and Purcell, Words by Anne Brontë

  1. At last I had time to read your latest post and have just finished listening to the first piece of music. Very beautiful/ (The second link doesn’t work for me – might be a country thing.) And congratulations on completing your Anne Bronte book. That’s wonderful news. “A fine and subtle spirit” works perfectly; so entirely appropriate. 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

    • My apologies, Deborah, for being so long acknowledging your visit and comment (another sadness on the kitty front happened within the last week). Glad you enjoyed the music you could listen to. Sorry you couldn’t open the second link. Yes, it is good that my Anne novel is done … just finished my edit yesterday and sent off to All Things That Matter Press, who seem very excited to be offered it. Of course, I keep finding things to change (driving myself insane), but for the most part, I need to step back from it for a while. I love the subtitle, too, and thank you for its inspiration. Congratulations to you on the beautiful cover to “Indra’s Net”! I’ll be emailing you very soon. XO ❤


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