Repost: Drought

A repost from last August – with the preparation of my novel for publication (almost there!) I haven’t had time to write for my blog. An even worse drought is affecting my area and much of the US this year, so I thought this poem was appropriate. Hope to be posting something new very soon! Thanks for your patience.

Copyright 2012 by DM Denton

for the rain
there is
a pain
of thirst
in the eyes
and sighs
of the beholders.

on the dryness
there is
a deafness
to cries
for a break
and stake
in the weather.

through the storm
there is
a swarm
of being
for the birds
and words
of an awakening.    

©Artwork and writing, unless otherwise indicated, are the property of Diane M Denton. Please request permission to reproduce or post elsewhere with a link back to bardessdmdenton. Thank you.