Announcing Release Date for My Novel, A House Near Luccoli

September 1, 2012!

It will be published by All Things That Matter Press, available in paperback and as an eBook. If you would like to receive notification of how to obtain a copy, please click here:

Alternatively, email me @ to let me know you are interested.

This historical fiction takes place in Genoa, Italy, 1681 -1682. For more information regarding its story and background, please visit the novel’s page on my website:–intrigue.html

Below are links to a couple of excerpts, and here is the blurb from the back cover:

A House Near Luccoli, focuses on chance encounters, beautiful music, and the paradox of genius through an imagined intimacy with one of the most legendary and undervalued figures of Italian Baroque music.

Over three years since the charismatic composer, violinist, and singer Alessandro Stradella sought refuge in the palaces and twisted alleys of Genoa, royally welcomed despite the alleged scandals and even crimes that forced him to flee from Rome, Venice, and Turin, his professional and personal life have begun to unravel again. He is offered, by the very man he is rumored to have wronged, a respectable if slightly shabby apartment and yet another chance to redeem his character and career. He moves in to the curiosity and consternation of his caretakers, also tenants, three women whose reputations are of concern only to themselves.

Donatella, still unmarried in her mid-thirties, is plainly irrelevant. Yet, like the city she lives in, there are hidden longings in her, propriety the rule, not cure, for what ails her. She cares more for her bedridden grandmother and cats than overbearing aunt, keeping house and tending to a small terraced garden, painting flowers and waxing poetic in her journal. At first, she is in awe of and certain she will have little to do with Stradella. Slowly, his ego, playfulness, need of a copyist and camouflage involve her in an inspired and insidious world, exciting and heartbreaking as she is enlarged by his magnanimity and reduced by his missteps, forging a friendship that challenges how far she will go.

First Chapter

Cover Artwork©
by DM Denton

I appreciate your time and interest. Blessings to all!

©Artwork and writing, unless otherwise indicated, are the property of Diane M Denton. Please request permission to reproduce or post elsewhere with a link back to bardessdmdenton. Thank you.

14 thoughts on “Announcing Release Date for My Novel, A House Near Luccoli

  1. September 1st–what a great and exciting day, Diane!! I’m so pleased for you, and as an “honorary sister”–so proud of you!! May God bless you with critical and financial success, and joyful satisfaction–love, Caddo


    • Thank you, Caddo. I am excited and anxious at the same time … a dream come true … a daunting venture. That is how it works, isn’t it? The process has been very long and intense but extrememly fulfilling and I am joyfully satisfied already. And very appreciative. Especially of your encouragement and blessings–they mean the world to me! Diane♥


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