Growing Unaware

Time for some simple appreciation of the world springing to life, the long harsh winter already a distant memory. I don’t think I’ve ever posted an undoctored scan of a page out of one of my old journals. Here’s one I did many years ago in England (even before the original version of A Friendship with Flowers), all these flowers still enlightening me decades later here in Western New York, USA.

From 'Another Year', done in 1980's. Copyright 2014 by DM Denton

From ‘Another Year’, done in the 1980’s. Copyright 2014 by DM Denton

On my windowsill

are Windflowers

from the open woodland;

Kingcups from the waterside;

the first buds of Buttercups,

spotted Lungwort

and birds eye


from my garden

as if unaware

I let them grow there.


“Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself.  When you look at it or hold it & let it be without imposing a word of mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you.  Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you.  This is what great artists sense and succeed in conveying in their art.  Van Gogh didn’t say: “That’s just an old chair.”  He looked, and looked, and looked.  He sensed the Beingness of the chair.  Then he sat in front of the canvas and took up the brush.”  ~ Eckhart Tolle

donatellasmallest©Artwork and writing, unless otherwise indicated, are the property of Diane M Denton. Please request permission to reproduce or post elsewhere with a link back to bardessdmdenton. Thank you.

26 thoughts on “Growing Unaware

  1. Diane,

    I never visit your art or your writing that I don’t feel transported
    to a better place. What a joy–this page from your journal. It
    is you have invited us to tea and we are there.

    Thank you!


    • Thank you, Peter (and forgive my delay in acknowledging your kind comment). As far as being famous – I could say the same to you. I guess there is as much mystery in who is famous as who is not. That we creative souls appreciate and support each other’s work and, here and there, we affect others in a positive way, isn’t a bad consolation, I think. 🙂 All the best!


  2. One of your gems, and well worth frequent revisiting, my dearest! I’m glad to have heard so much sweetness from you today, and look forward to getting back into the groove soon myself, now that I just finished cleaning up the 850 or so emails in my inbox after one mere week away! Yikes! Life can get complicated. Hope all’s going splendidly with your writing and the book will wrap up absolutely perfectly for you. 🙂


    • Thank you so much, Kathryn! Hope you are getting settled after your time away. Whatever did we do with out time before blogging and checking our email? 🙂 Novel is only a week or so away from being finished and ready for submitting to my publisher, who, hopefully, will be willing to stick with me a while longer. Thanks so much for your well wishes! Happy June tomorrow! XO ♥


  3. Diane,Dear ! What a splendid idea to share with us this old and evocative page ! Love the delicate drawing,the poetic words and the Tolle quote.All in a beautiful and inspirational spring bunch !!! Love and kind thoughts to you , Doda 🙂


    • Thank you so much, Doda! I’m so glad you enjoyed the poem and little peak at my original journal. And, yes, it is a wonderful quote, isn’t it? Blessings to you with lots of love, Diane XO ♥


  4. Wow Diane, what a privilege to view an original entry in your journal, and such beautiful words too.
    We used to have loads of forget-me-nots until we realised they were a big culprit in my husband’s allergies so now there is only a small patch. If he goes anywhere near them in the garden his face swells and raw red blotches erupt.

    I love the quote too.

    Love ❤️ xx


  5. I love this Diane and what a source of inspriation your journals must be for you, and for us. I love forget-me-nots, such a vibrant splash of colour in nature. ❤ Xxx


    • Thank you so much, Eric! (I did the illustration for and designed the cover of A House Near Luccoli. I’m hoping to do the same for the sequel). I shared a link to your website/blog on my author and book Facebook pages, by the way. Thank you again for your kindness and generosity. 🙂


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